Foreign Forays starts with a little boy’s Wanderlust and the adult traveller’s contemplation of the journeys he has made. The first stop, Belgium – a drizzly day in Bruges and a dazzling day in Leuven. Then to Calais, words with a refugee and La Jungle. Along the coast to Britanny, the traveller wanders, and wonders. In Paris, Notre-Dame is on fire. In Prague, the saxophones are swinging and in Germany, the driver takes a wrong turning. Warsaw inspires – its museums, architecture and park of baths. In Rome, the traveller will not do as the Romans; three hours south, Sorrento burns. Cross the Med to a thrilling, shrilling wedding in Tunisia. From Essex, a flight to Lebanon with a spider. A pope travels the streets of Beirut, in cavalcade, on a hot September day and, finally, a passport official extends a witty welcome.
Foreign Forays, Antony Johae
Foreign Forays, Antony Johae
38 pages 30 January 2025
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